婁姍 Shan Lou
Licensed Architect (China)
婁姍女士是VAL的總監,中國國家一級註冊建築師。婁女士畢業於同濟大學建築學及英國建築聯盟學院(AA School)建築及城市設計專業,並擁有十餘年的設計經驗,參與了各類城市規劃、建築設計專案,包括城市綜合體,總部辦公,商業,酒店及文化建築等;在方案設計到技術深化,及專案管理等各方面積累了豐富的經驗。婁姍女士的學習與工作經歷,使其專注於發現與解決專案面臨的問題與挑戰,結合場地環境、功能需求及文化定位,最終呈現兼顧合理性與獨特個性的成熟方案。
Ms. Lou is a Principal of VAL, class one licensed architect of PRC. She graduated from Tongji University and AA School on architecture and urban design, and has more than 10 years architectural practice experience, she has participated in mixed-use, headquarters office, commercial, hospitality and cultural buildings, and has rich experience on design, coordination and project management. Her study and working experience enables her to focus on the challenge of each project, and to present comprehensive architectural solution in consideration of context, programs and cultural sensitivities.
獎項 Awards
2022 第20屆民間參與公共建設金擘獎 | 民間團隊獎 | 優等獎 2022 The 20th Golden Thumb Awards for PPP (Public and Private Partnership) | Awards for Private Agency | Superior Award
2021 美國景觀協會大獎|規劃與分析|優勝獎 2021 American Society of Landscape Architects | Analysis and Planning | Merit Award
2020 亞太房地產大獎 2020 Asia Pacific Property Awards | Award Winner, Mixed Use Architecture, China
2016 MIPIM 金獎|最佳辦公樓及商業發展專案 MIPIM Asia Awards 2016|Gold, Best Office & Business Development
2016 亞太房地產大獎|辦公優秀建築獎,中國 Asia Pacific Property Awards 2016|Highly Commended, Office Architecture
2016 亞洲建+設大獎|商業,零售及辦公樓(專業)建築優異獎 IDA International Design Awards 2016|Honorable Mention, Professional Architecture, New Commercial Building
2015 MIPIM 銀獎| 辦公類最佳未來專案 MIPIM Asia Awards 2015|Silver, Best Chinese Future Project
2014 USGBC 美國綠色建築協會LEED認證鉑金級 USGBC LEED Platinum Certified, 2014