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Imperial Heritage Hangzhou
杭州是個充滿豐富文化肌理、現代 、綠色又前瞻的城市。它的城市中帶著山水,理性中帶著詩意。奧體板塊是現代杭州的中心,和錢江新城一起對立在錢塘江兩岸,這裏有杭州最繁華的天際線,面對這一個樞紐地塊的專案邀請,我們思考了一個問題:這裏未來會需要什麼樣的一個生活跟空間?
Hangzhou is a modern, green and forward-looking city full of rich cultural fabric. The city combines the best of mountain and water, rationality and poetry. The Olympic Sports Area is the center of modern Hangzhou, and the Qianjiang New Town is on the opposite side of the Qiantang River. This area has the most prosperous skyline of Hangzhou. Facing the project invitation of this hub plot, we have a question: What kind of life and space will be needed here in the future?
VAL fully integrates sunlight with the building, combining roof gardens, terraces, and courtyards to bring greenery and light to every corner. Seven suspended curved surfaces form three buildings, and the shape makes people feel like seeing a frozen poem when passing by, creating distinct views from different angles, and seeing romance, imagination and metaphor within the city grid. The curved surface of the façade is composed of a series of lines, which are like a folding fan of time, creating a rhythm with the change of time, light and shadow.
In the Press
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