張陽 Yang Zhang
Licensed Architect (NY, USA) , AIA
張陽先生為VAL的合夥人。張先生擁有清華大學建築學學士、建築學碩士和美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學都市設計碩士學位,並有近20年的國際建築設計暨都市設計經驗。在加入VAL之前, 張陽先生先後在 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) 的舊金山和上海辦公室任職,擔任資深副總監暨項目經理,領導了多個重要的獲獎項目,同時還負責SOM都市設計組的中國業務以及SOM上海辦公室的管理運營。
Mr. Yang Zhang is a Partner of VAL with nearly 20-years of international architectural and urban design experience. He has both bachelor and master degrees in architecture from Tsinghua University and a master of urban design degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Prior to joining VAL, Mr. Zhang worked in Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM)'s San Francisco and Shanghai offices as Senior Associate Principal and Project Manager. He was responsible for numerous important award-winning projects, SOM City Design Practice's China practice and the operation of SOM Shanghai office.
Mr. Zhang has years of project experiences in the US, China, the Middle East, and many other countries in Europe and Asia. Mr. Zhang's diverse international experience allows him to provide thought leadership for excellent design services. With experience in planning, design and construction, he can ensure the success of the project as a trusted leader for the client.
Professional Voice
獎項 Awards
2020 美國建築師協會香港 | 可持續設計優秀獎 2020 American Institute of Architects, Hong Kong | Merit Award for Sustainability
2020 美國建築師協會香港 | 城市設計優秀獎 2020 American Institute of Architects, Hong Kong | Merit Award for Urban Design
2020 REARD全球地產設計大獎 | 銀獎 2020 REARD | Silver Award
2020 美國建築師協會上海 | 北京 | 城市設計優秀獎 2020 American Institute of Architects, Shanghai | Beijing | Merit Award for Urban Design
2020 美國建築師協會上海 | 北京 | 未建成類設計大獎 2020 American Institute of Architects, Shanghai | Beijing | Citation Award for Unbuilt Architecture
2019 美國建築師協會加州 | 城市設計榮譽獎 2019 American Institute of Architects, California | Honor Award for Urban Design
2019 SPARK 金獎 2019 Spark Spaces | Gold, Spark Awards
2019 美國新城市主義學會憲章獎 2019 Charter Award | Congress for New Urbanism
2018 MIPIM大獎 | 未來項目獎 2018 MIPIM Overall Winner | Futura Project Awards
2018 MIPIM大獎 | 未來項目獎 2018 MIPIM Regeneration & Masterplanning Winner | Futura Project Awards